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Welcome to Geo Bharat

Geo Bharat is an open community created by Krishna Lodha, which is primarily focusing on providing platform for Geospatial professionals, students, academicians, etc. to share their knowledge and provide collaborative contribution to Indian and Global Geospatial domain.


Upcoming events

  1. Vector Tile in PostGIS
  2. Enhancing Rendering with COG
  3. OGC event

Different Activities we do under Geo Bharat


Geo Bharat's YouTube channel is home for all webinar videos.

Code Contribution

Geo Bharat's GitHub is an official Organization account where we are encouraging people to start brainstorming about new ideas and make wonderful open source projects

Code Sprints

Being able to contribute to code/documentations/issues for various open source projects is one of the foundation pillar of Geo Bharat.

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